A Compassionate Soul Dedicated To

Imparting Love & Wisdom

I’m Velma Matthews, a spiritual life coach helping people from all walks of life understand, cope, and handle their grief. People can experience grief for a variety of reasons—be it disappointment in a small issue or losing someone who matters most. Using my more than 30 years of experience, I’ll work with you as you grow and overcome these challenges so you can become the best version of yourself.

Love and Compassion Heals When You Are Grieving

     A friend, Soul Sister, and Coach named Laura Jack whom God blessed me with as I battled COVID-19. She wrote a book which is a best seller and a must-read called “The Compassion Code”. Well, I began attending her Compassion Code Academy prior to being diagnosed with COVID-19.
     Laura would touch base with me every week. She was always sending me love and words of encouragement. I love her so much for showing so much love and compassion to me during one of the worse seasons of my life. She is a precious jewel. What a wonderful gift from God. She truly lives what she writes and teaches. She is full of compassion. Her compassion code academy is life-changing. If you follow her program your life will never be the same.       
     On one of the toughest days, while battling COVID-19, I felt like giving up, that night I felt the death angel in my room. I saw my phone light up and the Holy Spirit said look at your phone, Velma. You see, I had my phone on silent because I could no longer stand to hear it ring. I did not even want to read text messages anymore. I looked at my phone, and it was a text from Laura saying “Oh my Velma, sending you to love and healing. Be kind to yourself. No regrets about what you “should have done.” You are here… give your body love and gratitude for working through this illness.” It was no doubt in her mind that I would make it through. Her words of love encouraged me to focus and believe. Surely, I have strong faith in God. But sometimes we need to be encouraged by others. I was full of grief and pain. Notice what she said, give your body love and gratitude for working through this illness.
     There were days I thought I was not going to make it through and really did not feel like giving my body any love or gratitude. Grief has a way of stripping away your fight. It can take away our faith. I felt like a hole had been torn into my soul. She did not say to try your best to work through this illness but give your body love and gratitude for working through it. Through is a powerful word of encouragement and faith. She encouraged me to love myself enough to press my way through. Now, I realized that I cannot limit myself to a method, expecting to hear from God in predictable ways. It was important to open myself up to other means by which God could commune with me. He used Laura Jack to help me hold on when I so wanted to give up. I wanted to throw in the towel. I will be forever grateful to God for Laura Jack’s ministry.
     She is truly an inspiring author. “The Compassion Code” is an extremely powerful, life-changing book. The book is a real story and is about a life-changing journey. Reach out to Laura Jack! Get in touch with her to learn more about how her services can help you or your loved ones. She is looking forward to hearing from you.

Why Choose Me

I take the honor of providing grief coaching solutions that respect confidentiality and discretion.  Through my services, I can guide and assist my clients, no matter what religion or belief system they have.

Teaching From Experience

As living testimony of how one can overcome grief and live an abundant life, I teach people based on my own experiences with overcoming pain, hurt, disappointment, and grief.  I hope that my experience can serve as a lesson to inspire others in their life's journey and live an abundant life.


Get in touch with me to learn more about how my services can help you and your love ones. 
I look forward to hearing from you!

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